Rescue at Rivenroar
Antler and Thistle

Half elf. Orphan who became a general fixture at the Antler, then an employee. Keeps the locals in line through wit, charm and judicious use of her bar tray.
John. The bartender and part owner of Antler and Thistle. A grizzled old man who has been around the town a bit. Not particularly high in charisma or pleasantries. Uses Lilly to run interference with people who look chatty.
- Fraynk Sampson (human; proprietor of Gavriel Arms and Smithy)
- Korg Morkal (half-orc; owner of Stoughton Gentleman’s Club)
- Natalie Nettlemead (halfling; cleric at the Moondust Temple)
- Rillor Paln (human; owner of the Silk and Spoon)
- Shining Servant Pietar (human; cleric of the Shrine of the Sun)
- Lord Warden Hank Morth (human; public face of the city council and commander of the city militia)
- Councilman Eoffram Troyas (half-elf; newest city council member)
- Lord Aaron Jarmaan (male human noble) Lord Aaron is a widowed man, 50 years old. His wife fell down stairs in the keep years ago and broke her neck. He has two sons and a daughter, all full grown and married now.
Though he never remarried, he’s always been fond of the ladies (some whisper that this was the case even before his wife’s accident). He’s known to spend time with at least two women in Brindol, though he keeps his personal life as private as possible. Each of the ladies “rents” a small house from him.
The Jarmaan family owns a lot of property both within & outside of the city. Most of this is rental property. The one active business Lord Jarmaan has is a restaurant in Brindol, the Succulent Salmon. This is one of the finest restaurants in town, frequented by all of the city’s upper class. Whatever else Aaron might be, he’s an excellent cook.The populace of Brindol generally regards Lord Jarmaan as a capable if somewhat aloof administrator, and the town and its surrounding environs have grown strong under his leadership in the years since the Red Hand invaded.
Missing Prisoners
Jalissa: Jalissa is an acolyte of Ioun
Sertanian: Sertanian, the castellan of the Hall of Great Valor
Thurann: The 8-year-old son of Kartenix the guard captain
Mirtala: A cook.
Zerriksa: Zerriksa is an elderly woman.
Adronsius: Adronsius the dwarven alchemist
Kartenix: Kartenix the guard captain